Martina Koblic Walterová (7.10.1988, Prague Czechoslovakia). She has a master´s degree from Visual Arts, graduated in 2013 at the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Ostrava University in the painting class of prof. Daniel Balabán. She also took an internship at Katowice Silesian University Art Institute in Poland, focusing on sculpture (class of prof.Andrzej Szarek) and painting (class of prof. Elżbieta Kuraj). She received a University Class Award in 2012 and her paintings were displayed at a number of individual and group exhibitions. She was a organizer and a member of a civic association Štkaní which organizes yearly summer artistic workshops. Recently she also cooparates to realized a visual arts project in public space like Sametové Posvícení which is a satirical political mask processon of civic iniciatives, schools and non-profit organizations. Takes place on a national holiday Day of struggle for freedom and democracy at 17. november more commenly known as “The Velevet Revolution”. Overlaps from classical painting techniques are common for her such asi drawing, mask carving, sculpting, collages and scenography. She si an freelance artist and is mainly devoted to free creation. Besides, that she teaches as an external lecturer and works as a restorator. She lives and works in Prague.
As a part of her studies, she competed an intership at the University of Silesia in Katowice. In the work, she uses bold colouring and elemental energy that reflects her growing frustration with the enviromental state of the planet. In parallel, she also works with her experience as parent, which she has used in her recent works to draw attention to chep aesthetics of children´s toys and accessories. Her paintings cleverly point out that toys fotr children often feature symbols of already extinct species of fauna and flora, ridiculed and fetishised, already empy and soulless. She has had a nuber of both group and solo exhibitions and happenings.
text from the exhibiton: All that is solid melds in the air - Jindřich Chalupecký Award 2022, katalog